Privacy Policy


We prioritize the privacy of our members and customers as a core value. Understanding your concerns regarding the use of personal data, we aim to clarify how we safeguard member information while managing your account. Ensuring the security of your privacy is crucial for you to fully benefit from T2G Shopping services. This policy is designed to instill confidence in your use of our services.

At T2G Shopping, we acknowledge the significance of privacy and the need to maintain the confidentiality of personal information for our customers, registered members, and users. Hence, we have formulated and established this privacy policy.

Our privacy policy may be revised at any time without prior notice. To stay informed about any updates, please periodically review both this policy and the 'Terms of Use' policy.


During the process of registering for and accessing various services provided by T2G Shopping through our website, telephone search, SMS, WAP, or any other media medium, you may be required to provide personal information such as your name, residence address, email address, telephone number, and similar details.

The use of personal information serves two main purposes: to process your orders and to offer you the best possible services. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, this policy applies to personal information disclosed on any media platform.

In ensuring the confidentiality of personal information, we have implemented appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the online information we collect. We utilize data collection devices, such as "cookies," on specific pages of the site to analyze webpage flow, measure promotional effectiveness, and enhance trust and safety.

"Cookies" are small files placed on your hard drive that assist us in providing services. Some features are exclusively available through the use of cookies, and they help reduce the frequency of password entry during a session. While you are free to decline our cookies if your browser permits, doing so may limit certain site features, requiring more frequent password entry.

You may also encounter "cookies" or similar devices on certain pages placed by third parties. For instance, viewing a user-created webpage may involve a "cookie" placed within that page, and we do not control the use of cookies by third parties.

If you send us personal correspondence, such as emails or letters, or if other users or third parties send us information about your activities or postings on the website, we may collect such information into a file specific to you.

You acknowledge that, in addition to your personal information, any content you upload on the website may contain information, including personal information, accessible to other users. T2G Shopping is not liable for the disclosure and dissemination of such personal information to third parties.

While T2G Shopping may disclose aggregated information about website usage, it will never contain personal information. Personal information is not disclosed to third parties in the normal course of operations. However, in situations where T2G Shopping is legally obligated to disclose information to the government or other third parties, it will do so.

T2G Shopping employs standard measures to protect against unauthorized access and unlawful interception of personal information. However, it's important to note that no internet site can fully eliminate security risks.


When making an online purchase on the website, you are obligated to provide your information. T2G Shopping utilizes an online payment gateway operated by a third party, and the information you share with T2G Shopping is transferred and shared with this third-party payment gateway operator. This operator may also have access to your online purchase history and details from the website.

Highly sensitive information, such as your credit card details, is processed on secure sites provided by approved payment gateways. These sites use digital encryption, ensuring the utmost care in accordance with current technology standards. It is important to note, however, that internet technology is not entirely foolproof, and you are advised to exercise discretion when using it.


The website features third-party advertisements and links to other websites. T2G Shopping refrains from providing any personal information to these third-party websites or advertisers.

Under no circumstances is your personal information bought, traded, or sold to any other party, including market research or telemarketing corporations, for commercial purposes. We do not disclose your phone number, credit card information, or screen names to any entity. Websites you may visit while connected to the T2G Shopping website may have their own privacy policies or none at all. We strongly encourage you to review the privacy policies of any websites before providing them with your personal information.

Third-party websites and advertisers may use technology to deliver advertisements directly to your browser. In such cases, these entities automatically receive your IP address and may utilize cookies, JavaScript, web beacons, and other technologies to assess the effectiveness of their advertisements and personalize content. T2G Shopping does not have access to or control over the cookies or other features used by these third-party websites and advertisers, and their information practices are not covered by this policy. For more information about their privacy practices, please contact them directly.


The sites and their content are not geared towards minors (those under the age of 18), and we do not intend to sell any products or services to minors. However, we have no means of determining the age of individuals accessing our site. If a minor has provided personal information without parental or guardian consent, the parent or guardian should contact us to remove the information.


We have implemented appropriate technical and security measures to prevent unauthorized access, accidental loss, destruction, or damage to your information. When collecting data through the site, we secure your personal details on a protected server. Our servers are equipped with firewalls, and when electronically collecting payment card details, we use encryption through Secure Socket Layer (SSL) coding. While we cannot guarantee 100% security, this encryption makes it challenging for a hacker to decrypt your details. It is strongly advised not to send full credit or debit card details in encrypted electronic communications with us. We uphold physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards related to the collection, storage, and disclosure of your information. Our security procedures may prompt occasional requests for proof of identity before disclosing personal information to you. You are responsible for safeguarding against unauthorized access to your password and computer.

Regardless of the provisions in this policy or elsewhere, T2G Shopping shall not be held responsible for any loss, damage, or misuse of your personal information if such occurrences are attributable to circumstances beyond our control.

In compliance with the Information Technology Act of 2000 and its rules, the name and contact details of the Grievance Officer shall be published on the website.


You have the option to refrain from providing information, but if the required information is classified as mandatory, you won't be able to access certain services, features, or content.

You can regularly update your personal information, with T2G Shopping retaining a copy of the prior version for record-keeping.

If you choose, T2G Shopping may send direct advertisement mailers to your provided address. You can opt-out by clicking the unsubscribe link attached to the email.

Additionally, you can disable or delete similar data used by browser add-ons, like Flash cookies, by adjusting the add-on's settings or visiting the manufacturer's website. However, disabling cookies may impact certain features and services on the website. It is recommended to keep cookies enabled for optimal website functionality. Blocking T2G Shopping cookies may restrict actions like adding items to your shopping cart, proceeding to checkout, or accessing content and services that require you to log in.


By using the website or providing your information, you consent to the collection and use of disclosed information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. This includes your consent for information sharing as outlined in the privacy policy.

If there are changes to our privacy policy, we will post them on this page to keep you informed about the information we collect, how we use it, and the circumstances under which we disclose it.


This Privacy Policy is copyrighted, and commercial use by third parties, even in part, is prohibited. Infringements may lead to legal action.

The company's goal is to provide user service that is not just the best but legendary.